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How To Sponsor

  1. Online sponsorship sign-up and payment can be made anytime in our online store 
    or -

  2. Mail the completed sponsorship form and payment check (Payable to "Hilliard Bradley Theater Boosters") to us or contact us at and we will make arrangements with you.

Family & Friends

Basic Membership

All family members and friends of current Hilliard Bradley theater students are automatically booster members, and we encourage parent participation through meeting attendance and volunteering.

Sponsor Membership 

Having an excellent high school theater program is an expensive undertaking. Help the Bradley Theater Boosters to financially support our school’s productions and student theater troupe. Sponsors will be listed in performance programs and on the website – all season long! 


• Bradley HS Alumni - $10 or more 


• Star - $25


• Director $50


• Producer - $100

• Tony Award - $250 or more


All our Corporate Sponsors are recognized​ on this website, plus...


Star $100-249

Business name in print/digital  programs.

All season long! * 

Director $250-349

​1/4-page ad in print/digital  programs.

All season long! * 

Producer $350-499

​Half-page ad in print/digital  programs.

All season long! * 

Tony Award $500 or more​

Full-page ad in print/digital  programs.

All season long! * 

Show Presenter - $1000+

Full-page ad in print/digital  programs.

All season long! * 
PLUS company name on program cover, signs in two theater entrances, social media posts, and announced pre-show.

NEW THIS YEAR:  your logo projected in lights!
Exclusive opportunity - one per show

Add specs and related information below..

Corporate Ad Specs and Information


Ad to be provided by sponsor.

The same ad will appear in all programs for the remainder of the season



  • formatted as a jpg, png, bmp or gif picture file in color, grayscale, or black and white

  • may be submitted in color, grayscale, or black and white. However, it will be printed in whatever format is used for the program

  • Our website and Spring Musical program are published in color. If your advertisement does not convert well to grayscale, please provide a second version for black and white printing.



  • 1/4 page ad - approximately 1.8in tall x 4.5in wide (or 540pix tall x 1350pix wide)

  • 1/2 page ad - approximately 3.7in tall x 4.5in wide (or 1110pix tall x 1350pix wide)

  • Full page ad - approximately 7.5in tall x 4.5in wide (or 2250pix tall x 1350pix wide)



  • Email to

  • submission deadline is 3 weeks before the show, except for the Spring musical deadline which is 4 weeks ahead

  • Same ad will be used for every remaining program for the school year's show season.

Hilliard Bradley Theater Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation may be deductible in whole or part in accordance with Federal and/or State income tax laws. Please consult with your tax advisor for advice specific to your situation.

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