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500 character maximum (including spaces and punctuation).   We will include your shout out exactly as submitted other than the exceptions noted below.

IMPORTANT! If directed towards a specific individual, include at least their first name and initial for last name.

NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS (e.g., emojis, graphics):  If included, they will be removed.

CONTENT RESTRICTION: Shout outs are printed in a public program. Any content deemed inappropriate, at the discretion of Bradley Theater or the Hilliard Bradley Theater Boosters, will not be included.

DEADLINE:  Typically a minimum of three weeks prior to a show.  Please refer to information provided via social media posts and other communications (e.g., public posts on Facebook, emails to theater families, etc.).

There are no refunds for shout outs.

CONCERNS?  Contact

"Into the Woods" Shout Out (500 character max)

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